back to outfit posting! it's been disturbingly long but life's events get in the way and you know how the story goes. here are some pics (yes, that's my boy) from the uh student design event which was a preview of a bigger show to come. super excited to participate. things that have occurred since the last outfit post: 1) i'm now half a blonde. asian blonde to be specific. 2) i'm now part of the cool dslr hipster club now. 2.5) i have a full-zip wallet now (you have no idea how big of a deal that is to me). 3) i've added probably fifty something new blogs to my blogroll 4) i've wasted HOURS on the new additions to my blogroll. lesson of the day: don't activate your google reader if you would like to be productive. until next time!
about my outfit: THE PLEEEEEATS. yeah, i can't get over them.
sporting (<--i feel posh today) : pleated skirt | f21, tank | target, shoes | seychelles, belt | vintage
your outfit in the top photo is super cute. <3